terça-feira, 25 de setembro de 2012

Learning Tagalog

Hi!. :)

Yesterday I decided to start learning Tagalog. Tagalog, also know as Filipino, is one of the official languages of Philippines.
There is a lot of Filipinos in Canada, but there is one in particular that, without knowing, motivated me to start learning Tagalog. I'm referring to my wife's best friend, Maricel, who is a Filipino woman and... well.. let's just say that me and her have some... serious divergences towards one another. Basically, we can't stand each other. 
My wife has 1 birth mother and 1 stepmother and both are nice to me, as I'm their daughter-in-law and I like to think that the way Maricel treats me is like if she was playing the role of the evil mother-in-law that turns the life of her daughter-in-law into hell.
Moving on, I, as a very language-orientated person (in Portugal I was a Portuguese Sign Language interpreter), I decided to start to learn Tagalog, so that I can know when and if she insults me, in her mother tongue. And, of course, to have enough knowledge to answer her back if needed...
Thanks to this wonderful thing that is internet, you can learn the basics of any language you want, for free.
On a quick search trough youtube I found several videos with the basics of Tagalog (including swear words, that was just was I was looking for).
I now share with you some of the videos I found on youtube that have been great resources for me to learn Tagalog.

Swear words:


Basic words and phrases:

Months of the Year:

Numbers and days of the week:





Basic Filipino Expressions/words:

Lessons 1 to 5:

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